ECIM plays a central role in the internationalization of graduate education in our University. Approximately half of the resident research community at ECIM are researchers and students from other countries, primarily Europe and United States, who conduct research as part of the research internships of the program HERE-ECIM, in association to UC professors, or independently.

Schools and Workshops for Students

One of the international activities targeting foreign students in Latin America is the Escuela de Verano del Programa de Doctorado en Ciencias Biológicas  that takes place every year in ECIM. The main objective of this summer school is to bring together potential doctoral students from different Latin American countries so that they get to know our Doctoral Program, the diversity of research topics, the professors and the university facilities to conduct research at the highest international level. Students get to know the main University campuses in Santiago and ECIM and learn about living conditions, the Chilean culture, application procedures and the diverse availability of fellowships and economic assistance to competitive students. The summer school is announced every year and selected students get a full fellowship (airplane tickets and room and board) to attend. More information can be obatained from the coordinator of Doctoral Program, Dr. Diego Bustamante (

Every two years ECIM holds the Escuela Iberoamericana en Cambio Global (IberoAmerican School in Global Change).  This is an intensive course/workshop organized by the Laboratorio Internacional en Cambio Global (LincGlobal), which is composed of researchers from the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas  (CSIC) of Spain, researchers from the Universidad Federal de Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) of Brazil and from the Departamento de Ecología, UC, Chile.  The school receives 15-20 graduate students from different countries in Ibero América who participate in varied aspects of global change research side-by-side with postdocs and senior LincGlobal researchers. Thus, the school is by itself a research experience in advanced topics of global change.  In this manner, students are exposed to inter-disciplinary group research whose results commonly originate manuscripts or scientific documents. For more information contact Glenda Llanos (

The International Associated Laboratory (UMI) “Biodiversity and Evolution of Marine Algae” of CNRS, France and UC Chile, organizes every three years an international course in ecology, genetics and evolution, center in marine macro- and micro-algae.   The course is offered in an intensive format during 7-10 days and includes talks and lectures by internationally appraised researchers, researchers from UMI and practical activities in the laboratory, field and computation.