Years : 2021

julio 27, 2023

One of the last undisturbed marine coastal ecosystems on Earth: Spatial and temporal persistence of Darwin´s subantarctic giant kelp forests.

julio 27, 2023

Different kelp species support unique macroinvertebrate assemblages suggesting community-wide impacts of kelp harvesting along the Humboldt Current System.

julio 27, 2023

Experimental Assessment of a Conducting Polymer 3 (PEDOT) and Microbial Biofilms as Deterrents and 4 Facilitators of Macro-Biofouling: Larval Settlement of 5 the Barnacle Notobalanus Flosculus (Darwin, 1854) 6 from Central Chile.

julio 27, 2023

Advances and challenges in marine conservation in Chile:A regional and global comparison.

febrero 23, 2023

El Vigía del Mar.

febrero 23, 2023

Testing the Test: A Comparative Study of Marine Microbial Corrosion under Laboratory and Field Conditions.

febrero 23, 2023

Reef Life Survey: Establishing the ecological basis for conservation of shallow marine life.

febrero 23, 2023

Physiological and behavioural effects of anemone bleaching on symbiont anemonefish in the wild.

febrero 23, 2023

Alteration of coastal productivity and artisanal fisheries interact to affect a marine food-web.

febrero 23, 2023

Geographical variation of multiplex ecological networks in marine intertidal communities