septiembre 21, 2023
Behavioral and physiological responses of limpet prey to a seastar predator and their transmission to basal trophic levels.
septiembre 21, 2023
Coexistence of competitors in marine meta-communities: environmental variability, edge effects and the dispersal niche.
septiembre 21, 2023
Groups travel further: pelagic metamorphosis and polyp clustering allow higher dispersal potential in sun coral propagules.
septiembre 21, 2023
Temporal variation in richness and composition of recruits in a diverse Cnidarian assemblage of subtropical Brazil.
septiembre 21, 2023
Spatial and temporal changes in diurnal variability of water temperature and near-shore flows at a small bay. The relative role of diurnal wind and tides as forcing mechanism.
septiembre 21, 2023
Latitudinal discontinuity of in thermal conditions along the nearshore of central-northern Chile.
septiembre 21, 2023
Wind-driven diurnal temperature variability across a small bay and the spatial pattern of intertidal barnacle settlement
septiembre 21, 2023
Ecosystem services and abrupt transformations in a coastal wetland social-ecological system: Tubul-Raqui after the 2010 earthquake in Chile.
septiembre 21, 2023
Public awareness, concerns, and priorities about anthropogenic impacts on marine environments.
septiembre 21, 2023
Synthesis of the state of knowledge about species richness of macroalgae, macroinvertebrates and fishes in coastal and oceanic waters of Easter and Sala y Gomez islands.