Years : 2022

julio 27, 2023

Reef fish diversity across the temperate South Pacific Ocean

julio 27, 2023

Effects of harvesting on subtidal kelp forests (Lessonia trabeculata) in central Chile.

julio 26, 2023

A quantitative synthesis of approaches, biases, successes and failures in marine forest restoration with considerations for future work.

febrero 23, 2023

Costs and benefits of brooding among decapod crustaceans: the challenges of incubating in aquatic systems

febrero 23, 2023

Incorporating the connectivity timescale in metapopulation partitioning.

febrero 23, 2023

Anemonefish Behavior and Reproduction. In : Laudet V, Ravasi T. (Eds.) 2022. Evolution, Development and Ecology of Anemonefishes.

febrero 23, 2023

High-resolution modeling of nearshore circulation in an upwelling ecosystem: resolving sub-mesoscale variability.

febrero 23, 2023

Different kelp species support unique macroinvertebrate assemblages, suggesting the potential community‐wide impacts of kelp harvesting along the Humboldt current system.

febrero 23, 2023

Adaptive effects of parental and developmental environments on offspring survival, growth and phenotype.

febrero 23, 2023

Aggression of an orange-fin anemonefish to a blacktip reef shark: a potential example of fish mobbing?